The evaluation team brings together knowledge and expertise from a diverse set of fields to evaluate the California Farm to School Incubator Grant Program’s capacity to support innovative local and regional farm to school projects as well as overall grant administration.
Bringing their unique perspectives to the project, the evaluation team will evaluate the grant program’s progress towards the goals articulated in the RFA and the Farm to School Roadmap for Success . Working together across a variety of impact areas, their research examines elements of grantee projects that have the greatest potential. They will identify enabling conditions for success, barriers to implementation, areas for additional and/or ongoing investment, and opportunities for coordination with related programs and agencies.
Tasked with providing an invaluable and rigorous evaluation of the return on the state’s investment in farm to school and providing recommendations for program improvements, the evaluation team also describes emerging best practices and lessons learned in CA farm to school interventions with a specific aim of informing policy.
California’s Farm to School Incubator Grant Program Evaluation Team
GIS and Web Programmer
“I’m excited to be part of the Farm to School Evaluation team. I’m excited to be part of an interdisciplinary...
Schools & ECE Team
Ashley Chaifetz designs and leads interdisciplinary multi-year research as a Senior Analyst at the USDA Food and Nutrition Service, mostly...
Co-Principal Investigator
“I am proud to be part of this strong, multidisciplinary team and am inspired by the holistic vision laid out...
Database Team
Chloe is a PhD candidate at UC Berkeley in the Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management. Chloe’s research is...
Case Study Lead, Policy Team
“I am incredibly excited to be a part of this F2S evaluation. F2S brings together so many aspects of my...
Project Co-Lead, Policy Co-Lead
“I am excited to understand whether we are progressing towards the vision in the Farm to School Roadmap, and where...
Project Lead, Schools & ECE Co-Lead
Eva Ringstrom is Food Insight Group’s Director of Evaluation for California School Food Programs. She consults with groups, organizations, and...
Economic Co-Lead, Policy Team
“I am excited about this project at several levels: To learn how farmers respond and adapt to program incentives and...
Economics Team
Fiona Ogunkoya is a Survey Researcher at the University of California Agricultural Issues Center. She supports research efforts by designing,...
Principal Investigator
Gail Feenstra is the Director, Emerita of the UC Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Program. During her career, she worked...
Case Studies Team
As Sustainable Food & Farming Coordinator at UC Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Program (SAREP), Gwenaël Engelskirchen collaborates with a...
Policy Team Co-Lead
Jeanne Merrill is the Executive Director of the Berkeley Food Institute. She has more than 25 years of experience in...
Process Evaluation, Policy Team
“I’m excited about the number of people that the California Farm to School programs touch. I’m excited to be on...
Economic Co-Lead
“There are many levels at which I am excited about this project. My main interest is in learning how this...
Communications Team
As UC Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Program (UC SAREP) Communications & Proposal Coordinator, Kristen is responsible for coordinating SAREP’s...
Schools & ECE Team
Lacy Stephens, MS, MPH, RDN, is an Agricultural Marketing Specialist with USDA Agricultural Marketing Service. Lacy has experience working across...
Director of UCANR IGIS
“Maps and geospatial data can play a supporting and important role in understanding the economic, environmental, and social impacts of...
Environmental Team
María is a PhD candidate in the Energy and Resources Group (ERG) and part of the Critical Ruralities Lab. Her...
Schools & ECE, Process Evaluation Team
Meagan is the director of evaluation with Food Insight Group, supporting data collection, management, analysis, and reporting. She brings an...
Case Studies Team
Meg Resler works in the Dept. of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management at UC Berkeley as a Postdoctoral Researcher on...
Economics Team
Sunny is a fourth-year Ph.D student in the Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics at the University of California Berkeley....
GIS and Web Manager
“I’m excited to be part of the Farm to School Evaluation team. I’m excited to see how the Farm to...
Environmental Lead
“I am really excited about this project because markets are one of the most important influences on how farmers are...
Process Evaluation, Schools, & Policy Team
"I am excited to be a part of the Farm to School Evaluation team because we will be playing a...
Environmental Team
Yvonne Socolar works at UC Berkeley as a postdoc on the F2S Environmental Team. Her research interests lie at the...
Past Contributors
Environmental Team
Database and Web Team
GIS Team
Economics Team
Policy Co-Lead
Policy Team