Maggi Kelly, PhD
Dr. Maggi Kelly is Professor and Cooperative Extension Specialist at the University of California, Berkeley in the Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management and an expert in spatial data science. She has dedicated her career to redefining the boundaries of mapping-technology and its application to understanding dynamic landscapes. She has applied her technological expertise to crucial problems across the state, such as understanding and documenting wildfires, tracking and predicting forest diseases, improving agriculture and water usage, and climate change. She is faculty director of the Geospatial Innovation Facility and Director of the ANR Statewide Program in Informatics and Geographic Information Systems (IGIS), both of which are dedicated to bringing cutting-edge mapping technology to the ANR network, students, staff, faculty, and the public. If you are interested in learning more, the IGIS hosts many workshops that deal with geospatial technologies, including our annual DroneCamp.
“Maps and geospatial data can play a supporting and important role in understanding the economic, environmental, and social impacts of Farm to School Programs. My group is very excited about bringing our geospatial data and analysis expertise to this team and to help understand the impacts of the CDFA Farm to School program in California.”
Dr. Kelly will provide overall oversight for the spatial analysis and data management components of the CDFA Farm to School evaluation.